Compustar Error Codes | Key Fob Error Codes

  • updated 5 yrs ago

Please see a description of each Compustar Error code as displayed on a 2 way key fob:


Turn off engine and error will go away.
*May indicate tach needs to be programmed, see our Compustar tach programming article

Key in ignition on position

Turn off vehicle ignition, and error will go away.

Door open (manual transmission only)

Close all doors and the error should go away.

If the error does not go away with all doors closed, a dealer visit to trouble shoot the door pin circuit/s will be required.

Trunk open

Close trunk and the error should go away. 

If the error does not go away with the trunk closed, a dealer visit to trouble shoot the trunk pin circuit will be required.

Foot brake on

Take your foot off the brake and the error should go away.

If brake is not on, or no one is in the vehicle and this error comes up, a dealer visit for trouble shoot is required.

Hood open

Close the hood, and error should go away. If the error does not go away, you have an issue with the hood pin or hood pin wiring

If there is an issue with the hood pin, a dealer visit is required.

Reservation off (manual transmission only)

Re-set reservation mode and error should go away.

If you cannot set reservation mode, will require a dealer visit for trouble shooting.

Tach or voltage sensing failure. 

Tach signal may need to be re-programmed, or voltage sense feature may need to be reprogrammed.

Will require a dealer visit if tach signal programming does not solve issue.

FT-DAS or FT-DASII issue.

Generally this indicates the FT-DAS needs to be remounted and/or relocated OR a defective FT-DAS/FT-DASII

Will require a dealer visit 

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