iDatalink Weblink User Guide | How to use the iDatalink ADS-USB

  • updated 5 yrs ago

iDatalink, iDatastart, and Compustar data enabled controllers require firmware flashing before installation. Many times we (Lockdown Security) will complete this for you BEFORE we ship the item to you, however there are certain circumstances where we do NOT do this before we ship (vehicles that require KLON).


The simplest breakdown on how to flash the firmware would be:


STEP 1: Create/Register a Weblink user ID via

STEP 2: Plug the ADS-USB Weblink Updater into your Windows PC *MUST USE Windows PC*

STEP 3: Visit using INTERNET EXPLORER * MUST USE INTERNET EXPLORER, not Edge, not Google Chrome, ONLY Internet Explorer

STEP 4: Use the Flash Your Module button on , log-in, then flash your module according to your vehicle make/model/year.

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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