Flashlink | Fortin Flashlink | What is Flashlink? | User Guide

  • updated 4 yrs ago

Flashlink is the name of the software and the tool, made by Fortin, and required for programming (flashing)  most Fortin interface and remote start systems/modules.


The FLASHLINK V2 device is a round red puck like device that connects to your Windows PC (not compatible with Mac) via USB and allows you to utilize the Flashlink software to program (flash) your interface or remote start module. Consider it a bridge between the hardware and software of your Fortin product.

See image below:


As of late 2018, there is also a mobile version available, called the FLASHLINK Mobile (it is more expensive that the FLASHLINK V2).  

See image below:




Please see the attached PDF file to this article (at the top of page)

Please see the attached PDF file to this article (at the top of page)

In order to use the FLASHLINK V2 or FLASHLINK Mobile, you will need to download the appropriate software from Fortin's website, which you can do so via the link below:



If the Fortin product you have ordered requires a 2 step programming (flash) process (1 before we ship and a 2nd after install is completed) OR if options need to be enabled/disabled to get the product to work, you MUST buy a FLASHLINK V2 tool.

Lockdown Security will sell you the tool and ship with your order, and offer you the option within 60 days of purchase to send the tool back to us, for a full refund (minus processing fees). You can use the tool for your requirements, get your product working, then feel free to ship the tool back to us for a refund of the tool cost. Or you may feel free to keep the tool, it is your choice.

Shipping costs to get the tool back to Lockdown Security are your (the buyer) responsibility and are non-refundable.

*PLEASE NOTE* This return policy applies ONLY when you have purchased a Fortin remote starter, interface module, or RF kit from Lockdown Security in addition to the Flashlink tool. You may not purchase *only* the tool and have this return policy apply, in these cases, our regular return policy applies (see policy HERE)

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