iDatalink KLON | What is it?

  • updated 6 yrs ago

KLON is an iDatalink/iDatastart programming procedure that eliminates the need to sacrifice an expensive key or key-fob for your vehicle, when installing a remote starter.

KLON requires (MANDATORY) the use of the iDatalink ADS-USB Weblink Updater. You must use this tool, there is NO OTHER way to complete the KLON programming procedure. Please see below for more detail on what KLON is all about and how it works:




→ Uses existing iDatalink modules with no extra hardware or accessories required


→ Cheaper than the cost of a replacement key and programming fees sold exclusively at new car dealerships

→ Cut travel time between install bay and car dealership

→ Create upsell opportunities by completing the installation 'in-house'.


→ No key under the dash means no easy access for thieves

→ iDatalink's encrypted data communication between the remote starter and bypass module adds an extra layer of security



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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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