WiFi | Thinkware WiFi Connection Steps | How to connect your phone to a Thinkware Dash Camera

  • updated 6 yrs ago

Thinkware WiFi Connection Tips


1. Make sure WiFi is turned ON on the camera (you must always do this whenever you wish to connect)

2. Make sure WiFi is ON in your phone. (I find turning it on/off a few times helps to pick up the network when it doesn't appear in the network list)

3. Select the Thinkware camera from the network list, default password is 123456789. You should only need to do this once, the phone should save the network.

4. Open Thinkware app and slide the Live View slider to connect to phone.


I find Thinkware cameras take a while to output their WiFi network, hence needing to turn WiFi on/off in your phone a few times to see the network.

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